10 Oktober 2011


Kali ini saya akan share E-Book lagi yang mungkin dapat bermanfaat bagi sobat semua. Dari judulnya tentu sudah bisa ditebak. Ya, buku ini membahas tentang salah satu penyakit yang sangat berbahaya yaitu AIDS.

Oke langsung saja saya beri sedikit gambaran tentang isi E-Book ini.

1. Development of the epidemic
Michael W Adler

2. The virus and the tests
PP Mortimer, C Loveday

3. Immunology of AIDS
Peter Beverley, Matthew Helbert

4. Natural history and management of early HIV infection
Adrian Mindel, Melinda Tenant-Flowers

5. Tumours in HIV
Caroline H Bridgewater, Margaret F Spittle

6. AIDS and the lung
Rob Miller

7. Gastrointestinal and hepatic manifestations
Ian McGowan, Ian VD Weller

8. Neurological manifestations
Hadi Manji

9. Treatment of infections and antiviral therapy
Ian VD Weller, IG Williams

10. HIV infection and AIDS in the developing world
Alison D Grant, Kevin M De Cock

11. Injection drug use-related HIV infection
RP Brettle

12. HIV infection in children
Gareth Tudor-Williams, Diana Gibb

13. HIV counselling and the psychosocial management of patients with HIV or AIDS
Sarah Chippindale, Lesley French

14. Palliative care and pain control in HIV and AIDS
Rob George, Chris Farnham, Louise Schofield

15. Control of infection policies
IJ Hart, Celia Aitken

16. Strategies for prevention
John Imrie, Anne M Johnson

17. Being HIV antibody positive
Jonathan Grimshaw

18. Having AIDS
Caroline Guinness

Nah, itulah isi dari E-Book ini. Bila berminat silahkan langsung download disini.

2 komentar:

  1. Makasih ya udah share,,
    moga bisa menjadi ajang berbagi pengetahuan..

    butuh tambahan koleksi kunjungi di.

  2. Wah, makasih banyak ya referensinya... :)
